Austria introduces a NEW winter driving ban on local roads
The new driving ban will come into effect from December 23 in the districts of Schwaz, Kufstein and Reutte in Tyrol and will apply to several regional roads and all local roads. The purpose of the ban is to prevent attempts to avoid traffic jams on transit routes.
As a result, drivers will not be able to avoid traffic jams in a given area by turning into local roads, unless they are traveling as part of terminating, originating or local traffic.
❗The driving ban will apply from December 23, 2023 to April 1, 2024 on Saturdays from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, and in the Reutte and Kufstein districts also on Sundays and holidays from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. The ban applies to all motor vehicles passing through Tyrol, including cars and motorcycles. The ban does not apply to terminating, originating or local traffic.
❌The ban applies on the following road sections in the district of Schwaz:
– L294 Bruckerstraße, from KP 0.020 in the commune of Reith im Alpbachtal to KP 2.320 in the commune of Bruck am Ziller and from the beginning of Zillerstraße in the commune of Bruck am Ziller to the southwest corner of the Gst. No. 1940 in the municipality of Hart im Zillertal (intersection Zillerstraße / L298 Harterstraße).
– L7 Jenbacher Straße (Kasbach) – in the direction of Jenbach.
– Transit bans in the towns of Strass, Schlitters, Fügen-Gagering, Fügen, Uderns, Hart, Bruck im Zillertal.
❌ The ban applies on the following road sections in the district of Kufstein:
– L 211 Unterinntalstraße (Kirchbichl/Langkampfen) towards Kufstein – Except for terminating, originating or local traffic in the district of Kufstein;
– L 211 Unterinntalstraße (Kirchbichl/Langkampfen) towards Mariastein – except for terminating, originating or local traffic in the district of Kufstein;
– L 295 Buchberger Straße (Ebbs) from km 3.0 towards Niederndorf – Except for terminating, originating or local traffic in the commune of Ebbs;
– “Alte Erler Straße” (Niederndorf) after exiting the L 209 towards Niederndorf – except for local traffic in the commune of Niederndorf;
– Municipal road Endach/Kufstein from the roundabout “Kufstein Süd/B173/Krankenhaus” towards the District Hospital Kufstein – except for terminating, originating or local traffic in the town of Kufstein;
– Coming from Eiberg, head towards Kufstein from the intersection at the roundabout Eibergstraße/Gemeindestraße Eibergstraße (B 173-Bayrischer Hof) – except for terminating, originating traffic and residents of Kufstein;
– Entrance road off the B 171 road towards the north – except for terminating, originating traffic and residents of Kufstein;
Traffic lights used for limiting the number of passing lorries are located in the following places:
➔ B 171 Tiroler Straße, KP 1.44 for traffic from Germany (activation of the existing system).
➔ B 172 Walchseestraße, km 18.0 for traffic from Walchsee towards Niederndorf.
➔ B 172 Walchseestraße, km 21.95 for traffic from Germany towards Niederndorf.
➔ B 173 Eibergstraße, km 6.6 for traffic towards Kufstein
❌ The ban applies on the following road sections in the district of Reutte:
– L 288 Pinswanger Straße, from the intersection with L 396 Weißhausstraße (km 6.250 + 35m) towards Pinswang and Pflach;
– L 69 Reuttener Straße from KP 9.750 (around the Vils intersection) towards Pflach to the Wiesbichl roundabout in Pflach;
– L 288–0–A1 access road to Pflach from the junction of the B 179 Fernpassstraße exit (Reutte Nord exit) towards Pflach to the Wiesbichl roundabout in Pflach
All driving bans are included in the traffic information system and are therefore available to sat-nav operators. This is to ensure sat-nav devices calculate routes taking into account these restrictions. In addition, the Tyrolean police and specially trained road supervision authorities will monitor compliance at selected checkpoints.
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